This tool is a helper for studying the book "OAHSPE".
Its first data basis is the OAHSPE version in modern english. You can find it here
The second version is the original version from the year 1882 in old english. You can switch the versions in the top/left select box.
Its written in javascript and designed to run completely in the browser, without the need of a hosting server.
You can download this version and use it offline.
DOWNLOAD Oahspe Study Tool 0.3beta as ZIP file
Just download it and extract the contents in a local folder on your computer. Then open the file "index.html".
Its written by me, David Garcia, as a hobby project, because i find this book very interesting and want to study it with all its details.
That was the reason to start this project, so others interested in OAHSPE can use it too.
This is still work in progress and a beta version!
Its free to use and public domain
Contact: For suggestions or questions feel free to send me (David) a mail to:
To open a new book view, choose a OAHSPE version and select a book from the book selector on the page top, left side.
A new tab opens with the selected book. You can search inside this tab and switch the book.
You can open as many book parallel as you want, all books are already in cache, so no loading time / traffic occurs.
You can add/edit Notes for each single verse (click on 'add study note' right side from each verse).They get saved inside your browser (see My Notes).
Here you can save your notes to a local file on your computer as a backup.
And you can import your locally stored notes. Imported notes overwrite the existing ones.
You can transfer your notes from one computer to an other, by exporting it from the source computer and import the file in the destination computer.
The notes are stored inside your browser with a function called 'Web Storage'. So your notes can get lost, when
you delete your browser, or change the browser.
Here you can perform a fulltext search through whole OAHSPE or single books.
Click on button "Open New Global Search" at page top, to open a new search mask.You can open and use multiple search masks at the same time.
You can enter up to four search terms (words,sentences).
search mode: "or": at least one of the search terms occurs in a verse / "and": all search terms must occur in a verse
ignore upper/lowercase: The case gets ignored or a exact case-matching search
include my notes in search: Should your notes also get searched?
The search results are presented like the books, showing the search results in each verse. Also your notes are shown.
Click on the verse id, to open the book and jump to this verse.
You can use the link parameter "jumpto" to specify directly a verse, which should get showed at the beginning.
This is useful if you want to diect someone directly to a verse:
Example: To jump directly to "Book 29. Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy Chapter 3 Verse 29" use this link:
Use the prefix "OSE_" for the Standard Edition in modern English and "OOE1882" for the 1882 edition:
This tool needs an up to date browser to work, because it uses some new web features.
Its developed and tested in FireFox 56. When its mature, I will test it on more browser plattforms.
To keep the traffic low, the whole OAHSPE is loaded as a zipped json file and then decompressed the browser itself.
This shrinks the traffic size from 5.5 MB to 1.5 MB which is nice :)
Its designed to work also offline! When you download it, NO internet connection is needed for using it.
All search operations are performed inside the browser to make them very fast and offline compatible.
All used and included javascript libraries are licensed under creative commons or similar free-to-use license types.
- ver 0.4beta: Added compare function
- ver 0.3beta: Added the OAHSPE original version from 1882
- added "direct jump to verse function"